# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Common functions that are supposed to be imported in __init__.py
and thus made available to all modules.
__author__ = "Matteo Levantino"
__contact__ = "matteo.levantino@esrf.fr"
__licence__ = "MIT"
__copyright__ = "ESRF - The European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France"
__date__ = "03/06/2020"
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import h, c, eV
def wl_to_en(wl):
"""Convert wavelength (m) to photon energy (eV)."""
energy = h*c/np.array(wl)/eV
return energy
def en_to_wl(energy):
"""Convert photon energy (eV) to wavelength (m)."""
wl = h*c/np.array(energy)/eV
return wl
def q_to_tth(q, wl):
"""Convert q (1/m) to scattering angle (rad)."""
tth = 2*np.arcsin(wl*q/(4*np.pi))
return tth
def tth_to_q(tth, wl):
"""Convert scattering angle (rad) to q (1/m)."""
q = 4*np.pi*np.sin(tth/2)/wl
return q
def tth_to_r(tth, dist):
"""Convert scattering angle (rad) to detector radius (m)."""
r = dist*np.tan(tth)
return r
def r_to_tth(r, dist):
"""Convert detector radius (m) to scattering angle (rad)."""
tth = np.arctan2(r/dist)
return tth